In a release on Monday (August 26), Prime Minister Andrew Holness shared the news that Nigel Clarke had been appointed Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
The appointment becomes effective on October 31, 2024.
According to Holness, the Government of Jamaica (GOJ) had identified successors to Nigel Clarke in both his ministerial and parliamentary responsibilities and there will be a smooth transition in both capacities.
Holness indicated that further updates will be provided in due course and the public can expect policy continuity and a continuation of the economic achievements.
The PM in the release described Clarke’s appointment as “a historic and important development” noting that no citizen of Jamaica, the Caribbean or Central America has ever before served at this level in the IMF in its 80-year history.
“It is to the benefit of Jamaica and the Caribbean region for one of our nationals to serve in such a consequential global position. This development is, therefore, a tremendous net gain for Jamaica and the Caribbean. Furthermore, this elevation of Minister Clarke is demonstrative of the depth, strength and capacity of my administration,” said Holness.
“Over the course of his public sector career, Dr. Nigel Clarke has made outstanding contributions to Jamaica as Chairman of the NHT, HEART Trust and the Port Authority and also as Senator, Ambassador of Economic Affairs, and Minister of Finance and the Public Service. As Ambassador of Economic Affairs, he maintained the GOJ’s relationship with the IMF, and other multilaterals, at a critical time and negotiated key agreements in 2016 including the early termination of the Extended Fund Facility and entry into the Precautionary Standby Agreement,” added Holness.
Holness further lauded Clarke for his contribution to the public service, noting that he brought creativity, imagination and passion to his job and has had many policy achievements.