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Police impose curfew in sections of Clarendon

A curfew has been imposed in sections of Clarendon.

The curfew began at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday (January 17) and will remain in effect until 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday (January 19).

The boundaries of the curfew are as follows:

Boundaries for Haylesfield/Coffals:

NORTH: Along Race Course Main Road from the ‘Welcome to Coffal Community’ sign
to the ‘Welcome to Haylesfield Community’ sign at the Haylesfield main road;

EAST: Along Haylesfield Main Road from the ‘Welcome to Haylesfiield Community’ sign to
an intersection where a ditch is located at the southern boundary;

SOUTH: Along an imaginary line approximately 300 metres from the intersection where the ditch is located at Haylesfield main road to Coffals main road;

WEST: Along Coffals main road from the southern boundary to the ‘Welcome to Coffals

Community’ sign at Race Course main road.

Boundaries for Gimmi-Me-Bit

NORTH: Along Gimmi-Me-Bit Main Road from Gimmi-Me-Bit Primary School to the eastern boundary;

EAST: Along an imaginary line approximately 230 metres from Gimmi-Me-Bit Main Road to the deep right hand corner at George Robinson Street;

SOUTH: Along George Robinson Street from the deep right hand corner at the eastern boundary to Stereo Vibes Street;

WEST: Along Stereo Vibes Street from George Robinson Street to Gimmi-Me-Bit Primary School at Gimmi-Me-Bit main road.

During the hours of the curfew, all persons within the boundaries are required to remain within their premises unless otherwise authorised in writing by the ground commander.

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