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Jamaican chef makes it to quarter finals in Carla Hall’s ‘Favorite Chef’ competition

Jamaican Chef Terryann Reynolds placed fourth in the quarter finals of Carla Hall’s next ‘Favorite Chef’ competition.

The global online competition founded by beloved chef and TV personality, Carla Hall, ended on July 25 with the winner to be announced come August 2.

Despite not winning, Reynolds shared that the competition was a learning experience, one which built up her perseverance.

“I learnt the importance of sticktuitiveness . Even when you don’t feel like it, press forward,” Reynolds told The Den.

“My capacity was certainly stretched,” she added.

Reynolds shared that while she still aspires to open up her own establishment, in the interim she has resolved to share her knowledge through teaching, particularly guiding more women to the oven.

“I am still on a mission to open my own restaurant but in the meantime I am teaching kids, teens, young adults, women to cook and bake,” said Reynolds.

“I am aiming to be a catalyst to level the playing field. The majority of chefs are men, over 75%,” exclaimed Reynolds

How to connect with Reynolds

Reynolds is set to offer cooking classes in Kingston come October 2024.

The super approachable Reynolds can be reached on Instagram using the handle @ceciles.culinary.queen

Check out some of Reynolds’ work in the slider below.

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