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Don’t go crazy at the supermarket: 5 hurricane foods you actually need

Jamaicans are no stranger to hurricanes but it seems every time news breaks that one will be in our vicinity, we go crazy at the supermarket.

With inflation hovering at about 5.2 per cent, things are dear so filling the trolley may be a stretch.

To help you prepare, while on a budget, The Den will be sharing 5 foods you absolutely need in the advent of a hurricane.

Canned Meats: Mackerel, tuna, salmon, sardines, chicken, or good ole bully beef

Canned meats have come a long way, not to mention the Brunswick brand has fantastic canned meats like that spicy tuna and sardine steaks that have really added some razzle dazzle to this section of the grocery aisle. Generally lasting at least two years, canned meats are a source of protein, that often require no cooking (useful in instances when the power goes out). Pay a little more for brands boasting ‘wild caught’ as these tend to have lower levels of mercury.


Whether you like granola bars or granola flakes, they are a solid choice in a hurricane as they have relatively long shelf life (up to six months) and can be paired with a variety of things from milk to fruits for a quick tasty snack. What’s more is that the Sunshine brand has a price competitive granola for shoppers looking to save a few dollars.


Is water a food? Okay fine, it is NOT a food, afterall it contains no protein, fats or carbohydrates but for the purposes of a hurricane, bottled water (or just any sort of filtered water) should be on your grocery list. Hurricanes can contaminate the water supply, particularly if there is flooding. Drinking contaminated water may cause illness. At best you may experience vomiting, diarrhea, fever, among other things. In the worst case scenario, contaminated water can be fatal. Plus water is useful if you’ve got powder milk in the cupboard or condensed milk.

Canned beans and fruit

Vegans don’t have to brace for starvation, as there are plenty of beans and fruits that are canned. Black beans, kidney beans, corn among others canned can be found in grocery aisles across the island. That means a quick black bean and corn salad is possible just add a little vinegar,olive oil, garlic and touch of paprika and you have got a quick salad dressing to go with.


Yes it is true hardough bread is quite dear (you’ll have to shell out at minimum 500 JMD per loaf) and the shelf life is only a few days but it is good to have. Easily paired with condiments,canned meats and even beans, bread is a must have on the hurricane shopping list. Not a bread person, opt for crackers instead.

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